ViDSS Research Ethics Forum: Doing Ethics in Practice

“Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do”, Potter Stewart famously noted. But how to apply this adage to social science research ethics in general, and within the often-precarious conditions of PhD and early-career research in particular?

The ViDDS Research Ethics Forum is a platform for early career researchers to discuss ethical challenges and opportunities in their day-to-day work in a safe space and across social science disciplines. We will reflect on ethical challenges working with research participants, ethically challenging situations within research teams, or novel ethical questions that arise when using (novel) technologies in research. While there will be room to explore such ethical challenges on a broader scale, we will pay particular attention to such questions emerging research that involves minoritised or marginalised participants, interlocutors, and groups.

Format: topical group discussions, guest speaker talks with Q&As, open workshop on pressing ethical questions introduced by attending PhDs (no sign-up or heads-up required), etc.

The ViDDS Research Ethics Forum is open to all early career researchers at the Faculty of the Social Sciences and will be held in German or English, depending on the group’s preferences. All are welcome. We meet twice in each term. Snacks will be provided. Bring a friend and let me know if you have any questions before you join!

Organiser: Magdalena Eitenberger

If you would like to participate and/or be added to the mailing list, please contact Magdalena Eitenberger

Next Meetings

Researching (with) vulnerable, minoritised, and marginalised groups: Significance and challenges in the context of doctoral research
9 April 2025, 15:0017:00

Researching the lived experiences of minoritised and marginalised groups – and conducting research with them – poses particular challenges around the positionality of the researcher, different options for community engagement, the “voice” of one’s narrative, and (anti-)extractive forms of research. Tobias Fragner will provide insights into his experiences leading the project COMITMENT (funded by the LBG OIS Center).

Gurest speaker: Tobias Fragner

Format: Workshop starting with input by Tobias, followed by a Q&A and group discussion.

Venue: Conference Room of the Faculty of Social Sciences (Room C628A), Staircase III, 6th Floor, Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG), Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna

To participate please contact the organiser Magdalena Eitenberger


Research ethics in the context of new (research) technologies: Opportunities and pitfalls
11 June 2025, 15:0017:00

Venue: Conference Room of the Faculty of Social Sciences (Room C628A), Staircase III, 6th Floor, Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG), Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna

To participate please contact the organiser Magdalena Eitenberger

Past Meetings

24 January 2024, 10:00–12:00

Have you completed all necessary research ethics screenings? Do you wonder how to best deal with the many ethical questions that cannot be addressed in a formalised screening? In this meeting we will focus on potential ethical risks, problems and challenges related to (doctoral) research projects in the social sciences. You will have the possibility to learn more about the Research Ethics Screening at the Faculty and the Pre-screening for PhD projects in particular. Member of the Institutional Review Board Maximilian Fochler will provide insights into the work of the board and will address ethical considerations regarding qualitative methodological approaches. We welcome all early career researchers from the Faculty of Social Sciences to join us! Drinks and snacks will be provided.

Venue: Conference Room of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG), Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna, 6th floor, staircase III (room C628A)

13 June 2023, 10:45–12:45

Join us and let us know which ethical questions related to designing, conducting and disseminating social science research you would like to discuss in the future. As a first step, we will start a discussion about how important self-care is for researchers, especially at an early career stage.

Venue: Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology