ViDSS Forums
With the Forums, the ViDSS aims at supporting doctoral candidates in dealing with challenging personal and professional experiences in the academic context.
What is a ViDSS Forum?
- ViDSS Forums are networks of doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers who are interested in discussing shared issues related to being an early career researcher in the social sciences at the University of Vienna.
- ViDSS Forums are led by experienced postdoctoral researchers who organise two or three open meetings per semester.
- The meetings provide the possibility to talk about personal experiences and to discuss practical questions.
- Based on the suggestions of the members, organisers may invite speakers from the University of Vienna to the meetings to provide input or concrete support.
- A ViDSS Forum also provides a digital discussion forum (e. g. a mailing list) to facilitate exchange between meetings.
- Via the organisers of ViDSS Forums, early career researchers can address problems and voice suggestions to the Management of the Doctoral School.
The ViDSS supports Forums…
- in finding postdoctoral researchers interested in assuming responsibility for the organisation for at least two semesters.
- in serving as a contact point for organisers.
- in announcing the regular meetings and any additional events to early career researchers at the Faculty.
- by providing financial support to hold meetings (food and drinks).
- by opening up a channel to address concerns and voice suggestions to the School Management.
ViDSS Research Ethics Forum
The ViDSS Research Ethics Forum is a platform for early stage researchers of every discipline at the Faculty of Social Sciences that helps them to reflect on their viewpoints towards integrating different research methods into their research agenda. Participants can discuss their research approaches and ethical challenges related to designing, conducting and disseminating social science research. Our meetings will cover quantitative methods, such as surveys, descriptive or experimental studies as well as qualitative techniques, such as phenomenological, ethnographic or grounded theory studies. The group will discuss general pros and cons as well as loopholes and pitfalls of different methodological steps.
The ViDSS Research Ethics Forum is open to all early stage researchers at the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Organiser: Jonathan Hendrickx
ViDSS Forum: Navigating Intersectionalities and Creating Opportunities in Academia
How do you succeed in academia, a system in which marginalised groups rarely make it to the (top) positions? What challenges likely stand in your way as a woman, as a BIPoC, or LGBTQIA+ and FLINTA of colour, or someone who is experiencing “otherness” discrimination based on other identity markers? While the answers to these questions certainly vary according to the individual background and the institutional setting in which you are embedded, those categorised as “others” often face similar challenges when navigating academic life.
The ViDSS Forum Navigating Intersectionalities and Creating Opportunities in Academia offers a platform for the safe exchange of experiences of discrimination and inequality for researchers at the Faculty of Social Sciences. This group provides peer support in dealing with the challenges related to intersecting identities including (non-normative) gender, race or class as an early stage researcher. The Forum also aims at raising awareness for combating racism and discrimination and stands for solidarity, empowerment and support. In addition to the regular meetings, a series of self-organised lectures and tailor-made workshops on these topics will take place.
The platform welcomes all colleagues who feel addressed, want to support and participate.
Organiser: Faime Alpagu
Organising team: Dominique Bauer, Leora Courtney-Wolfman, Zahra Hosseini Khoo, Ahrabhi Kathirgamalingam, Aytalina Kulichkina, Lorena Olarte