ViDSS PhD students
Doctoral candidates are the most important part of our Doctoral School. They initiate and organise PhD Clubs, workshops and other activities and shape the profile and organisational development of the Doctoral School via their representatives in the ViDSS Steering Committee.
With more than 290 student members, the ViDSS is one of the largest doctoral schools at the University of Vienna. The following list features all ViDSS students who have consented to the publication of their name, the working title of their doctoral thesis project and the link to their u:cris profile, if available. The list is complemented on a regular basis.
The ViDSS closely cooperates with the PhD student representatives Social Sciences who represents all doctoral candidates in the doctoral programme in Social Sciences. The Student Representation advocates the students’ interests in the ViDSS Steering Committee, the Studies Conference for the doctoral programme, the Faculty Conference and appointment committees.
Hikari Abe
“Femvertising: How to empower girls and women”
Senad Alibegovic
“Building Digital Resilience in Bosnia and Herzegovina”
Majlinda Aliu
“Changes in the media governance in crisis periods: Exploring the extension of European media regulations in Austria, Kosovo and Switzerland”
Blerta Blakaj
“Medien in Transformationsgesellschaften: Eine kritische Analyse der Rolle von Fernsehen und sozialen Medien in der kosovarischen Emigration”
Vanja Bojanic
“Taking a stand – When companies take action on controversial issues. An analysis from the media, company and employee perspective”
Stephanie Bührer
“Perpetrators of digital hate – definition, predictors, motives, and consequences”
Angeliki Chatziefraimidou
“The governance of children’s privacy in digital media”
Veronika Ebner
“Shaping climate conversations: Constructive journalism and public engagement on social media”
Elena Engel
“Health influencers and dietary supplement promotion: Investigating their impact on adolescents’ health attitudes and behaviours”
Muhammad Noor Fakhruzzaman
“Identifying media bias in Indonesian media through In-group and Out-group framing using automated framing analysis”
Michaela Forrai
“Conversational AI actors: Usage motivations and impacts on well-being”
Diego Garusi
“Journalists’ and audience’s trust in each other: Unpacking their relationship from a phenomenological sociological perspective”
Sascha Gell
“Mental health influencers’ perspectives, content, and their effect on adolescent health”
Selma Hodzic
“To use or not to use? Exploring what drives us to embrace generative AI”
El Chris Natalia
“Beyond match: Indonesian women’s negotiation of gender roles and power dynamics on dating apps”
Phung Quynh Giao Nguyen
“Understanding cross-platform hate speech dynamics: A mixed-method approach to platform affordances and normative behaviours”
Paulina Godínez Estrada
“Virus detected: Hate. An analysis of the governance of hate speech against female journalists in Latin America and its impacts.”
Ricarda Götz
“Inclusivity in and of Games. A three-leveled analysis on game production, content and reception.”
Isabelle Grasser
“Eine Untersuchung des Papageno-Effekts im Kontext moderner digitaler Medienwelten”
Melanie Haberl
“Es ist kompliziert: Emotionen im Arbeitsalltag von Journalist:innen”
Liyi Hai
“Green advertising effects and identity: What is the role of personal and social identity in influencing product attitudes and purchase intention on Chinese consumers?”
Evelyn Hermine Hayashibara
“Dyslexie und Medien”
Janina Jüngst
“Film governance and female filmmaking, media governance”
Jaroslava Kaňková
“Social media influencers as disseminators of health-related misinformation and untailored messaging”
Ali Karimi
“International assistance and media democratisation in Kurdistan Regional Government”
Ahrabhi Kathirgamalingam
“Pushing the limits? Long-term dynamics of racist discursive patterns in mediated discourses”
Maryam Khaleghipour
“Silent victims: The reasons for being silent about cyberbullying”
Thomas Kirchmair
“Perceptual heterogeneity of digital hate content”
Maximilian Klesl
“New political socialisation agents on social media”
Aytalina Kulichkina
“Dynamics of political protest and repression in the era of social media”
Noelle Sophie Lebernegg
“Uncovering mechanisms of deception: About characteristics, supply and spread of deliberately deceptive content”
Birte Marina Leonhardt
“Ziele, Praktiken, Rollenbilder und Boundaries interventionistischer Journalisten”
Kim Löhmann
“Periphere Akteure im österreichischen Journalismus”
Kateryna Maikovska
“Social issue emergence in hybrid media system”
Vivien Marx
Rinat Meerson
“The bystanders of digital hate”
Naveen Mishra
“Exploring emotionality in political TV-debates – Journalistic emotions, mediated anger and the
role of simultaneous speech in emotionalisation of debates”
Atika Aisyarahmi Munzir
“The role of social media for the political engagement of young people”
Roswita Oktavianti
“News narratives on social media platforms: Mobile journalists of Indonesian small and medium-sized entrepreneurial media outlets”
Anna Maria Planitzer
“The forgotten human-in-the-loop: User agency as a means for responsible automated content moderation”
Andre Rathammer
“Innovationskraft am Beispiel der AGTT (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Teletest) Österreich, im Vergleich zu ausgewählten europäischen Fernsehforschungsinstituten (DE [AGF], FR [Mediametrie], CH [Mediapulse AG])”
Claire Roney
“Tread carefully: Communicating scientific uncertainty in the age of polarisation”
Melanie Saumer
“Fifty shades of hostility: Toward a multi-recipient interactive model of digital hate directed at the LGBTQ+ community”
Gertrude Schmutzer
“Medienhaushalte interkultureller Paare im Kontext ihrer Medienbiografien. Eine qualitative Studie zu den Potenzialen der Fragmentieriung und Vergemeinschaftung von Medienpraxis, Wissensressourcen und Gedächtnishorizonten in familiären Beziehungen”
Azadeh Shamsi
“Reshaping the women’s movement: Digital feminist activism and imagining the future, the case study of the ‘Women, Life, Freedom’ movement in Iran”
Apeksha Balkrishna Shetty
“Emotional misinformation – The role of emotion-based interventions against the spread of misinformation on social media”
Marvin Stecker
“The mobilisiation of culture – automated methods to investigate collective identities in political communication”
Andrea Stockinger
“Between feasibility, functionality, and user acceptance? The perceptions and effects of moderating toxic political talk online”
Gerin Trautenberger
“WTF?!? This is hot s**t! Words, Tales & Fables?!? Why innovation travels from new stream to mainstream.”
Filipe Valenzuela
“Participatory culture and democratisation through media in Chile”
Yuying Wang
“Adolescents’ privacy in multi-platform social media use: Challenges, governance, and cultural contexts”
Phelia Weiß
“The toxic relationship between misogyny and the far-right: Radicalization dynamics in online environments”
Daniel Wiesner
“The role of science-related argumentation in contemporary political discourses: Characteristics, dynamics, effects”
Priska Wikus
“Die Mitgestaltung der Wahrnehmung von Rezipient*innen und Medienschaffenden durch die Berichterstattung in Österreichs digitalen Leitmedien zu sexualisierter Gewalt an Frauen”
Alexandra Wölfle
“Bias in generative AI: Characteristics, effects and potential interventions”
Qingqing Zhu
“Conspirator or resister? The contradictory relationship between neoliberalism, video games and players”
Leora Brooke Courtney-Wolfman
“Geography, scale, and mortality patterns in the Indigenous populations of Canada”
Afua Durowaa-Boateng
“Education and fertility dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa: A comparative study”
Aayushma KC
“Demography of IQ: Towards developing a methodology to systematically study age and cohort patterns in international IQ data”
Lina Maria Lasar
“Gender inequalities in health in Europe: An intersectional perspective”
Carlos Orlando Olaya Bucaro
“The Norwegian economy’s aim of transitioning from a fossil-based economy to a bio-based circular economy”
Shalini Singh
“Individual factors and mechanisms of fertility recovery among men and women in countries with postponed fertility”
Ekaterina Zhelenkova
“Female labour force participation and the demographic dividend: Evidence from Developing Countries”
Development studies
Dominique Bauer
“Komparative (Diskurs-)Analyse von Geschlechterverhältnissen in der islamwissenschaftlichen Lehre an den Universitäten Wien, Zürich (UZH) und der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.”
Robert Markus Blöschl
David Buchwinkler
“Challenging the Blue Revolution? Local movements and the global shrimp industry in Sabah, Malaysia”
Jana Donat
“Environmental displacement and planned relocation: Im/mobile aspirations and trajectories within the context of the National Relocation Program from the Uruguayan Government”
Carmen Elsayad
“Global value chain, speciality coffee, oral history, decolonisation, commodity frontier”
Fahima Al Farabi
“Youth in the climate movement of Bangladesh: Their motivations, actions and challenges”
Aleksandra Maria Fila
“Young wolves and domestic hens. The feminist political economy of Creativity in the Polish neoliberal transformation.”
Sophie Elizabeth Garnell
“Narratives, experiences and identities of Ukrainian women in the context of the current war”
Alina Meike Heuser
“Analyse lokaler Widerstandspraktiken gegen Bergbauextraktivismus in Peru anhand einer empirisch multisituierten Fallstudie. Intersektionale Perspektiven auf geschlechtsspezifische Kämpfe in Widerstandsbewegungen gegen Extraktivismus und soziale Ungleichheiten im Zusammenhang mit sozial-ökologischen Konflikten im globalen Kontext.”
Qingrui Huang
“Understanding power in the network based humanitarian system from the perspective of NGO networks”
Marie Theresa Jasser
“La tierra los unió, la tierra los va a dividir. Die Rolle von Staat und Bewegungsorganisationen in Ungleichheitsbeziehungen am Beispiel der Regulierung von Land in der Chiquitania: Eine intersektionale Staats- und Bewegungstheoretische Analyse.”
Felix Maile
“Financialization and uneven development in global value chains – Lead firm strategies and the supplier squeeze in the Ethiopian apparel sector”
Sissi Dimitrie Mukanyiligira
“Governance for environmental equity: Analysing power dynamics in ecological restoration interventions in Rwanda.”
Tarik Ndifi
“The HDP-Nexus with a focus on integrating the peacebuilding aspect”
Audacia Alicia Machado Ngunza
“Hair identities: Interrogating blackness in Austria”
Nancy Otyang
“Examining injustices within Uganda’s youth climate justice movement: Navigating the reinforcement of class, gender and geographical inequalities”
Laura Plochberger
“Outlaws: A socio-economic history of illegalised logging in Bukovina”
Shikha Sethia
“Class struggle from above and below: Labour control and agency in the context of transnational apparel suppliers in Kenya”
Nyamadzawo Sibanda
“Stepping in the same river twice? Re-imagining processes through which migrants negotiate return and belonging in Zimbabwe and Ghana”
Adito Darmawan Sudagung
“People to people connectivity in West Kalimantan-Sarawak borderland”
Aleksandra Natalia Wojewska
“Price-setting and socio-ecological transformation in Global Production Networks. Cases of lithium and cobalt in Sub-Saharan Africa.”
Nursing science
Gabriele Bales
“Entwicklung eines Advanced Practice Nurses-geleiteten interprofessionellen Transitional Care Modells für geriatrisch multimorbide Menschen”
Theresa Clement
“Person-Centred Care im Praxisfeld der intensivpflegerischen Versorgung”
Thomas Falkenstein
“Leibesphänomenologie: Für eine vertrauensvolle Beziehung”
Evelyn Hutter
“Biographische Erfahrungen von Auszubildenden im Bereich der Alten Gesundheit- und Krankenpflege mit Sterben Tod und Trauer”
Hans Peter Köllner
“Die personenzentrierte Pflegekompetenz von Studierenden und Auszubildenden der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegeberufe und ihre Messbarkeit”
Sabrina Laimbacher
“Exploration von Elternschaft und psychischer Gesundheit im Kontext von Migration und prekären Aufenthaltsbedingungen. Eine qualitative, explorative Studie.”
Stefanie Lemme
“Implizites Wissen in der Pflegearbeit”
Iris Lipp
“Age Friendly Hospital – Bedarfsgerechte Versorgung von älteren Patientinnen und Patienten im Akutspital: Programm(theorie)-entwicklung, erste Implementation und Evaluation”
Carsten Orth
“Transitionspflege – Bedarfsorientierte Pflege im Zuge des Übergangs von der eigenen Häuslichkeit in die institutionelle Langzeitpflege”
Birgit Schönfelder
“Application of artificial intelligence (AI) within the measurement framework to assess person-centred practice development”
Kevin Seiler
“Entwicklung einer Programmtheorie zur Evaluation des Programm Delirmanagement Pflege des Universitätsspital Basel”
Martina Spalt
“Total Pain, Total Symptoms und Schmerzerleben von Patient*innen mit Multiplem Myelom. Eine qualitative, explorative Studie mit Hilfe von narrativen Einzelinterviews”
Martin Wallner
“Pflegerisches Handeln als ‚Soziales Programm‘? Eine kritische Analyse Theoriebasierter Evaluation als Methodologie zur Förderung des Erkenntnisfortschritts in der pflegebezogenen Wirkungsforschung”
Political science
María Belén Abdala
“From meanings to action: who finds a meaning in voting and with what consequences?”
Aleksandra Bajde
“The Europeanisation of cultural diplomacy of small EU members states: Comparing Austria and Slovenia”
Diana Bashur
“Basic income in peacebuilding: A tool for social cohesion?”
Celina Beck
“(De-)construction of gender, bodies, nature, and technology: Discourses on ectogestation”
Dovaine Buschmann
“Examining mobility of social spheres. A feminist policy analysis of financial literacy education in Austria”
Alexander Dalheimer
“Partisan perceptions and meta-perceptions as origins for partisan prejudice: An analysis of European liberal democracies and beyond”
Tobias Doppelbauer
“Transformative political education in alternative agri-food systems and movements: A transdisciplinary-transformative study with the Austrian Network for Community Supported Agriculture”
Deborah Drgac
“Experiental knowledge on chronic wound care. Towards value based health care?”
Paul Dunshirn
“Exploring collective action problems in the governance of marine genetic resources beyond national jurisdition”
Michael Eipeldauer
“Policy making and cooperation with interest groups”
Alena Amira Eller
“Policy-Analyse zu Mechanismen der Unsichtbarmachung der Bedürfnisse von Geschwistern von Menschen mit psychischen Störungen im gesellschaftlichen, politischen und familiären Kontext.”
Gabriel Eyselein
“Kämpfe um eine nachhaltige europäische Rohstoffpolitik”
Tamara Gradenegger
“Gendered Antifeminism: Eine geschlechtsspezifische Foren-Analyse zum Einfluss von Verschwörungstheorien und Rechtsextremismus auf antifeministische Ideologien am Beispiel der Incels und Tradwives”
Martin Gratzer
“Repräsentative vs. direkte Demokratie. Effekte des politischen Entscheidungsprozesses auf die Legitimitätswahrnehmung”
Johannes Greß
“Die Rolle des Staates in der ökologischen Krise am Beispiel des Autobahn- und Tunnelprojekts S1 Schwechat-Süßenbrunn: eine Historisch-Materialistische Politikanalyse”
Adham Hamed
“Außenpolitische Staatsräson der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und deren Beziehungen zu Israel: Wandel und Grenzen einer politischen Idee”
Nora Hansl
“Valuing vaccinations: primary care”
Elena Heinz
“Political Consequences of Partisan Prejudice”
Theresa Henne
“STATIC DATA – MOVING MINDS. Investigating the right to personal development of the child in datafied learning”
Saskia Kaltenbrunner
“Platformisation of healthcare spaces: Examining policy debates and healthcare pathways”
Natalia Varabyeu Kancelova
“Quo vadis? Solidarität als Entscheidungskriterium zum Verbleib von Geflüchteten”
Jule Kegel
“Anti-elite attitudes in adolescents and their relationship to social contact and shared identity with politicians”
Verena Kettner
“Beyond the nuclear family. Affective regimes of care in queer life-contexts”
Petra Kolb
“Proteste als Radikale Demokratiebildung. Politische Subjektwerdung durch Artikulation”
Mykyta Kovalov
“How media shapes adolescent’s future political life and affects their interactions with the democratic system”
Ado Kulović
“Critical geopolitics applied: The arctic Ocean and the seabed beyond national jurisdiction, the role of the environment in the construction of their geopolitics”
Michael Laczynski
“The who, what and why of European solidarity – subjective deservingness calculations and support for material solidarity measures at the European Union level”
Matthias Peter Lorenz
“Demokratisierung der politischen Ontologie. Kausalität und populare Handlungsmacht im Postmarxismus”
Nikolaos Markogiannakis
“The continuous disruption of the global supply chains as part of a polycrisis of global capitalism”
Beatriz Lasheras Mas
“Citizens’ political competence from a policy knowledge perspective”
Sabine Mandl
“Covid-19 Rekonstruktion der im politischen Diskurs verwendeten Konzepte von Vulnerabilität und deren Auswirkungen auf das Leben von Frauen und Männern mit Behinderungen und psychischer Erkrankung aus einer menschenrechtlichen und intersektionalen Perspektive”
Jeanne Marlier
“Seeking responsibility: How the strength of elite partisan ties affects political accountability”
Jakob Meinel
“Beyond the vote. Non-citizens and surrogate representation in a multi-party system”
Nicola Nagy
“Jung, prekär, politisch? Politische Selbstbildungsprozesse junger Menschen zwischen politischer Partizipation und Prekarität.”
Lucie Naudé
“Long distance compañeras: Transnational frictions of Colombian NGO feminism”
Lóránt Ó Hannracháin
“The ‘Crisis of Representation’ from a working-class perspective”
Koichi Osamura
“The role of portfolio positions in legislative behaviour: An analysis of roll-call votes in parliaments across Europe”
Dylan Paltra
“Polarisation through visualisation? The emotionalising effects of images on citizens in different democratic contexts”
Rebekka Pflug
“Partizipation von Frauen in rechtskonservativen zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen in Polen. (Selbst-)Verordnung und Selbstverständnis”
Gorica Popovic
“Between proactivity and cheerleading – The study of EU’s role in nuclear arms control agreements and treaties”
Miriam Pot
“Un/doing differences in healthcare: A case study on the regulation and implemantation of individualised healthcare in general medicine in Austria.”
Marlene Radl
“Media ownership structures within the authoritarian-populist conjuncture in Europe”
Marie-Kristin Resch
“Democracy in the Age of Liberal Eugenics – progress or regression?”
Tobias Riedl
“The relevance of Left Keynesianism- and Degrowth-perspectives in the political management of two socio-economic crises in Germany”
Silvia Carolina Ruiz Rodriguez
“Marine spatial closures and digital multilateral diplomacy in marine biodiversity negotiations”
Manuel Scharrer
“Patterns of political communication in executive legislative relations”
Nina Schlosser
“Die Kehrseite der Elektro-(Auto)Mobilität: Akteure, Praktiken und Strukturen der Internationalisierungsgesellschaft im Lithiumsektor Chiles”
Lina Theresa Schmid
“On the materiality of digital financial practices in the Global South: The case of Bitcoin in El Salvador”
Lena Anna Schoissengeyer
“Verständnis von Politik und Politischer Bildung in der Offenen Jugendarbeit in Österreich”
Maida Schuller
“Exklusionserfahrungen und Widerstandsprozesse Schwarzer Menschen: Intersektionale Perspektiven auf eine politische Selbstbildung”
Benedikt Seisl
“Umweltpolitik zwischen Ökonomie und sozialen Normen – individuelle Präferenzen zu Adaptions- und Mitigationspolicys”
Sarah Straub
“Mentoring Inclusive Citizenship Education. A multilevel approach of educational and democratic experience for marginalised young people through 1:1 mentoring.”
Firuze Taner
“Comparative analysis of the politics of the new welfare state (especially social investment and family policy), focusing on political competition and coalition building”
Daniel Thiele
“Emotional right-wing populist communication and political participation in Austria”
Muhammed Ali Uçar
“Party membership in Turkey: Understanding the involvement of political party members”
Marta Vukovic
“What kind of democracy? Citizens’ democratic understanding, tolerance of free speech, and voter trade-offs”
Elias Frederik Weiss
“Parasitäre Politische Solidarität”
Anna Weithaler
“Radikaldemokratische Bildung. Eine Neufassung der Institution Schule”
Franziska Windisch
“Corporate welfare: Parties’ positions under the realm of economic globalisation”
Stella Wolter
“Intersectional perspectives on the experiences, well-being, and needs of migrant children in Austria”
Roy Qizheng Yu
“The de-europenisation of National Foreign Policy? A case study of Czech Republic and Hungary”
Giorgia Zogu
“The political participation of immigrants in urban and rural areas in Italy: An inquiry into place-based factors”
Florian Zschoche
“Vaca Muerta as vehicle for energy sovereignty? Energy policy and petro-hegemony in Argentina”
Science and technology studies
Ariadne Sevgi Avkıran
“Seamless, flawless, and instant translation: Technoscientific expectations of neural machine
Florian Bayer
“Indicators and metrics in the social sciences and humanities: A case study on neoliberal transformations within an Austrian university.”
Laura Bomm
“Rethinking plastics: Citizens’ perceptions and sensemaking of plastics in contemporary Austrian society”
Rafaela Cavalcanti De Alcântara
“Automating Welfare”
Esther Dessewffy
“Topologies in motion. Mapping academic engagement with simulation software for architectural design”
Miller Oswaldo Díaz Valderrama
“The flows and cleansing flows of global health data: An ethnography of the care practices of data cleaning and wrangling to make public health data global”
Lisa Maria Ferent
“Biobanking: Creating, maintaining, and inhabiting a trading zone between service, research, and care.”
Florentine Frantz
“Living with the ideals of good scientific practice: Necessary fictions, distributed responsibility and reflexive care in contemporary life sciences”
Susanne Gahbauer
“Visual (re)presentations of ‘trans*’ persons during hormonal treatment: Doing and undoing the category of ‘trans*’ in Biomedicine (and beyond)”
Elif Gül
“Birth between care and control. Birthing practices in Austrian hospitals.”
Carsten Horn
“Datafication and its discontents. Investigating digital innovation societies through emerging controversies about data centers in Austria, France, Ireland”
Philipp Kürten
“From imaginaries to integration: Exploring strategic futuring in and for European outer space visions”
Rodessa May Marquez
“A use case analysis of digital networks for sustainability: A multistakeholder approach towards an eco-friendly, recycle-focused, circular economy”
Nicolò Miotto
“The evolution of the EU institutions’ vision regarding the uses of outer space, highlighting a shift from prioritising peaceful applications to increasingly emphasising military uses”
Noah Münster
“An ethnographic study of microplastics in wastewater treatment facilities”
Anastasia Grace Nesbitt
“(Un)sustainable AI meets AI for sustainability”
Sara Ortega Ramirez
“Social imaginaries about innovation residues in Austria, France and Ireland”
Bao-Chau Pham
“Sociotechnical imaginaries of artificial intelligence in the European Union”
Bettina Pospisil
“Enacting through practices: The relationships between voice assistants and users”
Livia Regen
“Imagining futures in a residue-filled present: How citizens make sense of innovating, wasting, and caring”
Daniela Schuh
“Re-framing citizenship in bioconstitutional futures. The case of transnational surrogacy in France and Germany.”
Vera Ulmer
“Authorship practices in the making. On (e)valuations, responsibility and care in academic publishing.”
Rasmus Kvaal Wardemann
“Making research FAIR? Between policy imaginaries and research practices”
David Würflinger
“Sociotechnical imaginaries of artificial intelligence in Austrian healthcare”
Social and cultural anthropology
Michael Anranter
“Vidin’s New Europe Bridge – Researching imaginaries and everybody experiences in the context of a European infrastructure project in Bulgaria”
Eline Castelijns
“Complexities of land, grabs and hopes: The construction and role of rural residents’ perceptions and expectations in the context of large-scale land acquisitions in Zambia”
Elena Davydova
“Infrastructure and/for sustenance: The production, transportation, and storage of food in remote Russian Arctic communities”
Susanne Gartler
“Practices of being on and working underneath the land – A case study in Yukon Territory”
Nana Iashvili
“Russian migrant emplacement in Tbilisi”
Sherin Idais
“Palestinians from Homs Refugee Camp in Syria to three German-speaking cities in Europe: Community building after multiple displacements”
Nina Haberland
“Verwandt – entwandt. Auflösungsprozesse von Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen im nördlichen Tansania”
Ute Maria Hablesreiter
“The way under the sea – The Fehmarnbelt Link: Imaginaries in the context of infrastructure projects”
Mara Köhler
“Koproduktion der Österreichischen Covid-19-Teststrategie: Massentestungen und kommerzielle Akteure”
Katrin Kremmel
“Governing asylum in rural areas: Law in practice and citizenship in action”
Sofie Kronberger
“Artificial Health: Infrastructures, Practices and Promises of AI in Global Health”
Weronika Kuta
“The shaping of emotional habitus in the milieu of Polish nationalists”
Lucia Mair
“‘Health requires solidarity’. Community Health Centres as re-emerging sites of radical political practice in urban Germany”
Beatrice Mitterlehner-Nemelka
“Anthropology, public policy, and the European Union”
Hannah Myott
“Identitarian logics of Islamophobia, national populism, and nativism: Restrictive refugee policies in Austria and the United States”
Chloe Shi Yuan Ng
“Narratives of crises: An ethnographic study of older adults in Singapore”
Audacia Ngunza
Daniela Paredes Grijalva
“Mobilities and socio-environmental frictions in hazard prone locations at Indonesian frontiers”
Marlene Persch
“Becoming a state actor: Prison officer training in Accra, Ghana”
Catherine Raya Polishchuk
“Contradictions of urban renewal in Vienna: The curious mix of social democratic and neoliberal values”
Lisa Francesca Rail
“Nested commons: An ethnography on the diversity, persistence, and administrative embeddedness of collective pastures in the Austrian Alps”
Quirin Rieder
“Caring through Electricity: (Re)creating political communities, subjectivities and inequality in Hunza, Pakistan”
Katrin Schmid
“Sustainable arctic transport infrastructure in Iqaluit, Nunavut”
Adnan Smajic
“Digital care and grassroots citizenship: Refugee experiences in Bosnia and Herzegovina”
Arjin Tas
“‘Risky Areas’” of Diyarbakir: Normalisation of the use of counterinsurgency strategies in urban restructuring”
Jenny Marcela Torres Heredia
“Wer verfügt über Wissenssysteme? Das Spannungsfeld zwischen der Reproduktion der Kolonialität und den gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen”
Saskya Tschebann
“As you lay dying: End-of-life doulas imagining a good death at the interstices of public and private care?”
Klaudia Wieser
“Epistemologies of liberation: Palestinian affairs in revolutionary Beirut”
Susanna Azevedo
“The ‘gut’ geeling of gatekeepers: Affective practices in allocating housing in competitive private rental markets”
Beata Boór
“Eine Analyse der Arbeitseinstellungen in Österreich in Krisenzeiten: Das Zusammenspiel struktureller und individueller Faktoren”
Jana Brandl
“Making cities sustainable. Multilevel governance and eco-social policy integration in European urban areas.”
Mario Brändle
“Wie sich Daj Nostri in der deutschsprachigen Diaspora ihre Geschichte erzählen”
Maria Karlene Shawn Cabaraban
“Family role constellations and cognitive ageing: Examining heterogeneities across gender and work history”
Ralph Chan
“Changing youth life course. Decision-making process in times of discontinuity.”
Vera Dafert
“Eltern in der Krise. Wie Eltern mit Kindern im Kindergarten- und Schulalter in Österreich die COVID-19
Pandemie erleben.”
Vera Charlotte Dötig
“Vereinbarkeit von Erwerbstätigkeit und Angehörigenpflege. Erhaltung der Gesundheit der informell Pflegenden als Herausforderung und Chance.”
Michael Duncan
“Jugendliche Perspektiven auf Selbstverantwortung und Reproduktion sozialer Ungleichheit”
Julia Eisner
“Exploring the agency of communicative Al in the age of open Al technologies”
Gwen Göltl
“Same-sex families in Austria: An analysis of family and employment behaviour of lesbian and gay families based on register data”
Alexandra Gössl
“Herausforderungen und Chancen für Praxisanleitende in der österreichischen Pflegebildung”
Paul Luca Herbinger
“Polizei als Mittel politischer Steuerung in der Pandemie”
Benjamin Herr
“ICT-enabled boundary-less work, work discipline and their relations to and within household arrangements”
Stela Houserová
“‘Der Pförtner’ as a marginal profession within the diverse spectrum of the working class and the ‘die Pforte’ as a marginal institution of surveillance”
Felix Lene Ihrig
“trans*forming healthcare: Healthcare for genderqueer people in Austria between affective embodiment, community care and subjectivation”
Izabela Janssen-Wnorowska
“Kulturelle Konflikte im Wiener Gemeindebau”
Dominik Klaus
“ICT-enabled boundarylessness and the transformation of resources and processes of identity work”
Werner König
“Diskurs und Praxis im organisationssoziologischen Neo-Institutionalismus – Eine Analyse institutioneller Arbeit am Beispiel industrieller Energieeffizienz”
Mirah Langer
“Intergenerational representations of the Holocaust in museum spaces: As the generation of direct survivors of the Holocaust sadly dies out, we are faced with new questions as to how the Holocaust will be commemorated going into the future.”
Paul Malschinger
“Ziele von Jugendlichen und wie stabil sind diese über die Zeit”
Viktoria Parisot
“Doing and Displaying Divorce – eine Untersuchung der gerichtlich dokumentierten Praktiken ehelicher Partnerschaftsauflösung im Zuge von zivilrechtlichen Scheidungen im Verlauf des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts (1945–2018)”
Peter Peinhaupt
“Abolitionismus und Gewaltschutz: Aboltionistische und intersektionale Perspektiven für die Wiener Gewaltschutz-Arbeit”
Niklas Lucca Pernhaupt
“Joint imagination of automation in future everyday lives”
Gabriele Peßl
“Früher Bildungsbruch aus biografie- und diskursanalytischer Perspektive”
Hannah Quinz
“Jobgarantie im Spannungsfeld – Anerkennung zwischen Erwerbsarbeit, arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme und Erwerbsarbeitslosigkeit auseinandersetzen.”
Vera Rangelova-Neuheimer
“Erfolgreiche Integration: Was macht diese in Österreich aus?”
Thomas Resch
“Equity in health care: Principles, priorities, preferences, and policies”
Anna Schachner
“Altersbilder und -konzepte älterer Menschen mit lebensandauernder kognitiver Behinderung. Eine inklusive Theorie des Alterns”
Sarah Schäfer
“Is Tibet a country: the dual role of emotions and language in forming hegemonic narratives on truth and their contestation by marginalised groups”
Julia Schaffner
“Psychische Gewalt in intimen Beziehungen”
Christina Siegert
“Linked lives: Employment trajectories and poverty risk in couples”
Markus Trimmel
“Symbolische Klassen-Konflikte der (Nicht)Nachhaltigkeit”
Dominik von Gehlen
“Institutionalisierung von Transparenz als Problemlösungsmechanismus: Eine Studie am Beispiel der EU-Offenlegungsverordnung”
Margarita Wolf
“Es ist auch normal hier zu wohnen: Eine soziologische Analyse von Normalisierungsprozessen in Biographien von Menschen, die auf oder in unmittelbarer Nähe des ehemaligen Konzentrationslagergeländen Gusen leben.”
Wanting Zhang
“How does culture shape human interactions with artificial companions? A comparative study of Replika and Xiaoice on the Chinese market”