Research proposal

The research proposal plays a major role when planning your research. It is a thematically, theoretically and methodologically concise description of your doctoral thesis project and should not exceed 4,000 words (excluding references).

Guidelines for writing a research proposal (in English and German)

Guidelines for writing a doctoral research proposal for the public presentation at the Faculty and evaluation criteria, Social Sciences Directorate of Doctoral Studies (Directorate of Studies 40), as of 27 June 2024

Richtlinien für das Verfassen eines Exposés für die fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation und Beurteilungskriterien, Studienprogrammleitung Doktoratsstudium Sozialwissenschaften (SPL 40), Stand: 27. Juni 2024

Introduction Course

The Directorate of Doctoral Studies offers the introduction course From Research Proposal to Successful Public Presentation. The course is dedicated to the preparation of a research proposal and its public presentation to the Faculty.

ViDSS activities: Peer mentoring for the FÖP

The ViDSS offers a mentoring programme aimed at supporting doctoral candidates in writing their research proposals and preparing for the public presentation at the Faculty.