The Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences promotes innovative, excellent, problem-oriented research that aspires to contribute to societal debates and address key global challenges.

The cohorts trained and supported by the ViDSS are part of a vibrant research environment and international networks. The ViDSS encompasses and fosters connections between a broad range of disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives. The ViDSS embraces the entire range of epistemological, methodological and theoretical approaches that are employed at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Doctoral candidates receive research training and write a doctoral thesis in the fields of communication, demography, development studies, nursing science, political science, science and technology studies, social and cultural anthropology, and sociology. The ViDSS aims for the highest standards in doctoral training and close supervision to ensure a mastery of social scientific debates and relevant theories and methods. As a result, ViDSS graduates are highly employable both within and outside academia.

Radio and podcast

While most PhDs have accepted that their research probably won’t change the world, they at least want to make some impact on society. But how? We talk to Nora Hansl and Stefan Sonntagbauer about strategies of making research more impactful and their experiences of being personally impacted by their research fields including parent-child relationships and ghost encounters.

Media articles and press releases

Access to healthcare depends on identity markers such as gender, age or social background. Together with Awa Naghipour, Lucia Mair explains why discrimination in the healthcare system manifests in medical knowledge, treatments, social interactions and the architecture of clinics. To understand why health is unequally distributed we also need to look beyond the healthcare system. (In German)


(by Katrin Schmid)

“Do you mind if we swing by the hub on our way home?” We drive along the paved road through the industrial area of town, toward Iqaluit International Airport, then turn right, away from the passenger parking lot and towards a warehouse with yellow pillars out front. A large sign reads, “Canadian North, seriously northern,” yet this sign is misleading – a mark of begone ...

Radio and podcast

Paul Dunshirn was interviewed for Ö1 “Journal um acht” about the international efforts to regulate the use of genetic resources. He explains why the new treaty of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) affects especially those companies who have benefited from the lack of regulation so far and why this indeed comes down to the question of who owns nature. (In German)

Radio and podcast

Are you wondering whether your next conference presentation will be a career booster or just a waste of the time that you need for writing your dissertation? Join us as we delve into the world of presenting and networking with Birte Leonhardt and David Smrček. Getting funding, identifying fake conferences and controlling the social environment – this and more in Episode 15 of Doctor it!


(by Giorgia Zogu)

Political participation is the lifeblood of democratic governance, weaving the collective voice of the people into the intricate fabric of decision-making. In the conventional understanding, political participation encompasses a spectrum of activities ranging from voting and public discussions to contemporary forms such as internet activism and ...


In social media, misinformation is often difficult to distinguish from facts. While mis- and disinformation has been identified as one of the short-term global risks, research indicates that only a minority of people actually believe in it. Jula Lühring investigates whether emotions make us fall for misinformation or help us to recognise it and explains what role AI plays in this.

Fellowship and award winners

Political scientist Judith Goetz was awarded the Maria Ducia Forschungspreis (University of Innsbruck) and the Johanna-Dohnal-Förderpreis (Johanna Dohnal Archiv) for her doctoral thesis project on the relationship between gender-reflective political education work and the gender politics and ideologies of the Identitarians. Congratulations!


(by Carsten Horn)

10 ... 9 ... Before leaving the premises, you have to undergo a radiological control measurement. If your hands and feet are correctly placed on the probes, the countdown will begin. Nuclear energy: Once the harbinger of a new era of unlimited energy supply and prosperity has come under attack by environmental and anti-nuclear movements of the 1970s ...

New publications by ViDSS students

Showing entries 41 - 42 out of 42
Showing entries 41 - 42 out of 42