ViDSS Short-term Finishing Contracts

Call for the academic year 2025/2026
Application period (planned): 14 April–14 May 2025
Start of the employment: 1 September 2025 to 1 February 2026


With the ViDSS Short-term Finishing Contracts, the Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences supports doctoral candidates in the final phase of their doctoral studies. Five 5-months positions as University assistants (prae doc) are offered for student members of the ViDSS who have successfully passed the public presentation at the Faculty, concluded the doctoral thesis agreement and, since then, submitted progress reports on a regular basis (at least annually).

Applicants should have an excellent study record (duration of studies, grades) and provide evidence of relevant academic achievements (conference presentations, publications, etc.). The doctoral thesis should be completed and submitted within the duration of the employment. At the time of the application, approximately half of the doctoral thesis should be finalised. If candidates conduct an empirical doctoral thesis project, data collection must be completed upon submission of an application for the position.

Working hours: 30 hours/week
Job grading in accordance with collective bargaining agreement: §48 VwGr. B1 Grundstufe (praedoc) with relevant work experience determining the assignment to a particular salary grade.

Application documents

  1. Completed online application form (The application form is available during the application period.)
  2. A report on the current status of the doctoral thesis including an abstract (1,000–3,000 characters without spaces), a tabular overview of the chapters including information about the completion status of each chapter, and a work schedule for the completion of the doctoral thesis (no more than ten pages including a list of references, font size of 11pt, 1.5 line spacing), in PDF format. Please use this template.
    It has to be convincingly explained that the doctoral thesis project can be completed within the duration of the employment. It is expected that the final version of the doctoral thesis is submitted at the end of the contract
  3. CV in tabular form (no more than three pages including a list of publications and conference presentations, if available), in PDF format. Please explain any gaps in your CV.
  4. Doctoral thesis agreement (a copy of the approved doctoral thesis agreement), in PDF format
  5. Annual progress reports (copies of all approved progress reports), in one single PDF file
  6. Transcript of records (“Sammelzeugnis”), in PDF format
  7. Last draft version of the doctoral thesis, in PDF format
  8. Positive statement/s from your supervisor/s: Following the submission of the online application form, your supervisor/s at the ViDSS will be asked to complete and submit a form containing a set of questions about you and your doctoral thesis project. The deadline for the submission of this statement is 8 June 2025. Please note that your application is not complete and will not be considered without a statement from one of your supervisors at the ViDSS.

All documents except for the doctoral thesis have to be written in English.

Only complete applications that fulfil the formal criteria will be considered for assessment. It is not possible to make amendments once an application has been submitted.

Applications have to be submitted via the online application form between 14 April and 14 May 2025. Later submissions will not be considered for funding.


A jury, consisting of experts who are members of the ViDSS, will review all applications that fulfil the formal criteria. The jury will discuss and compare the applications and decide which projects will receive funding.

The main criteria for funding are:

  • The current state of the doctoral thesis project and the timeline for completion: Has the applicant convincingly made clear that the three months contract is needed for completing their doctoral thesis and that the thesis can be submitted at the end of the funding period?
  • Statement from the supervisor at the ViDSS: Does the supervisor fully support the application?
  • Study record: Has the candidate continuously made progress during their doctoral studies and made first academic achievements, such as conference presentations or publications? The ViDSS’s commitment to equal opportunities also means that the jury takes into account breaks or delays in the applicant’s study progress (e. g., due to parental leave, long-term or chronic illness or caring responsibilities).

Candidates will be selected on the basis of the submitted documents.

All applicants will be informed about the jury’s decision after the jury meeting.

If your application is rejected, you can apply for ViDSS Short-term Finishing Contracts again at a later time. If you resubmit an application, the report has to include a statement about the progress of the doctoral thesis project since the last application and an explanation why the funding is still needed.

Applicants do not have recourse to legal action.