Postdoctoral members of ViDSS Supervisory Teams

The ViDSS supports close supervision, preferably by supervision teams which may comprise also advanced postdoctoral researchers.

A ViDSS Supervisory Team consists of all formally registered supervisors and co-supervisors of a student member of the Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences (ViDSS). In addition, postdoctoral non-tenured staff members who cannot take the role of an officially registered postdoctoral co-supervisor as specified in the Statutes of the University of Vienna (§ 15 (11)) may join a ViDSS Supervisory Team if this is considered appropriate and helpful. Postdoctoral members of ViDSS Supervisory Teams consent to the Code of Good Practice for Doctoral Schools, including the addendum Responsibilities of postdoctoral members of ViDSS Supervisory Teams. An application for membership of a ViDSS Supervisory Team for a postdoctoral researcher can be submitted at any time after the conclusion of the doctoral thesis agreement.

Please note that postdoctoral members of ViDSS Supervisory Teams are not co-supervisors (“Mitbetreuer*innen”) as specified in the Statutes of the University of Vienna and will therefore not be named on the title page of a completed dissertation.

Documents and forms

If you are officially registered as postdoctoral co-supervisor as specified in the Statutes of the University of Vienna (“Mitbetreuer*in
), you can join the ViDSS as well, if you consent to the Code of Good Practice for Doctoral Schools, including the addendum Responsibilities of postdoctoral members of ViDSS Supervisory Teams. Please submit your consent to

Postdoctoral members of the ViDSS and the doctoral candidates they support(ed)

  • Alice Binder
    Jaroslava Kaňková: “Social media influencers as disseminators of health-related misinformation and untailored messaging”
    (main supervisor: Jörg Matthes)
    Selina Noetzel: “Why am I seeing this? Attentional, cognitive and emotional effects of online political microtargeting”
    (main supervisor: Jörg Matthes)
  • Ayse Dursun
    Manuela Stein da Silva Barbosa: “‘Who cares?’ – Ein staatstheoretischer Zugang zur Reproduktion intersektioneller Ungleichheiten im Zuge der Care-Arbeit in Brasilien”
    (main supervisor: Birgit Sauer)
  • Jakob-Moritz Eberl
    Jana Bernhard: “Multiple voices in democratic discourse: Keeping up with professional political communication”
    (main supervisor: Hajo Boomgaarden)
    Noelle Sophie Lebernegg: “Uncovering mechanisms of deception: About characteristics, supply and spread of deliberately deceptive content”
    (main supervisor: Hajo Boomgaarden)
  • Jana Egelhofer
    Teresa Weikmann: “Getting real with fakes: Characteristics, causes and consequences of ‘deepfakes’ in democracies”
    (main supervisor: Sophie Lecheler)
  • Clara Juarez Miro
    Diego Garusi: “Journalists’ and audience’s trust in each other: Unpacking their relationship from a phenomenological sociological perspective”
    (main supervisor: Folker Hanusch)
  • Endale Kebede
    Afua Durowaa-Boateng: “Education and fertility dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa: A comparative study”
    (main supervisor: Éva Beaujouan)
  • Fabienne Lind
    Ahrabhi Kathirgamalingam: “Pushing the limits? Long-term dynamics of racist discursive patterns in mediated discourses”
    (main supervisor: Hajo Boomgaarden)
    Marvin Stecker: “The mobilisiation of culture – automated methods to investigate collective identities in political communication”
    (main supervisors: Hajo Boomgaarden and Markus Wagner)
  • Phoebe Maares
    Kim Löhmann: “Periphere Akteure im österreichischen Journalismus”
    (main supervisor: Folker Hanusch)
  • Olga Povoroznyuk
    Elena Davydova: “Infrastructure and/for sustenance: The production, transportation, and storage of food in remote Russian Arctic communities”
    (main supervisor: Peter Schweitzer)
  • Christopher Ruppel
    Julia Stranzl: “The role of a socioemotional internal communication approach during crisis – fostering employees’ engagement and preventing from disengagement”
    (main supervisor: Sabine Einwiller)
  • Svenja Schäfer
    Anna Maria Planitzer: “The forgotten human-in-the-loop: User agency as a means for responsible automated content moderation”
    (main supervisor: Sophie Lecheler)
    Andrea Stockinger: “Between feasibility, functionality, and user acceptance? The perceptions and effects of moderating toxic political talk online”
    (main supervisor: Sophie Lecheler)
  • Andrea Schikowitz
    Esther Dessewffy: “Topologies in motion. Mapping academic engagement with simulation software for architectural design”
    (main supervisor: Sarah Davies)
  • Lukas Schlögl
    Diana Bashur: “Basic income in peacebuilding: A tool for social cohesion?”
    (main supervisor: Barbara Prainsack)
  • Petro Tolochko
    Jana Bernhard: “Multiple voices in democratic discourse: Keeping up with professional political communication”
    (main supervisor: Hajo Boomgaarden)
    Noelle Sophie Lebernegg: “Uncovering mechanisms of deception: About characteristics, supply and spread of deliberately deceptive content”
    (main supervisor: Hajo Boomgaarden)
  • Bernadette Uth
    Birte Leonhardt: “Changing the world through journalism: Exploring interventionist journalistic practices in Austria”
    (main supervisor: Folker Hanusch)
  • Ingrid Wahl
    Neda Ninova-Solovykh: “When insiders’ voices get loud and public. Analyses on the communication behaviour of employee activists and possible risks for organisational reputation.”
    (main supervisor: Sabine Einwiller)
  • Ayşe Seda Yüksel-Pecen
    Katrin Kremmel: “Governing asylum in rural areas: Law in practice and citizenship in action”
    (main supervisor: Ayşe Çağlar)
    Catherine Raya Polishchuk: “Contradictions of urban renewal in Vienna: How social democratic legacy aids”
    (main supervisor: Ayşe Çağlar)