Speaker and Steering Committee

The ViDSS is governed by a speaker and a steering committee comprising representatives of all research fields present at the Faculty of Social Sciences as well as two student representatives.

The Steering Committee members serve as contact persons between the Doctoral School, the Faculty’s departments and the Student Representatives in Social Sciences. The Steering Committee meets twice per semester and takes decisions on the profile and organisational development of the Doctoral School. The members discuss activities for doctoral candidates and supervisors, make spending decisions, select visiting scholars and advise the Speaker on the teaching programme and the milestones of the doctoral programme.

As Director of Studies of the doctoral programme in Social Sciences, the speaker of the ViDSS is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences every two years. The Speaker nominates three persons as deputy speakers of the ViDSS and deputy directors of studies.

The Speaker and the Deputy Speakers of the ViDSS represent their departments in the SC. The Speaker appoints the other SC members on the basis of the suggestions submitted by the Faculty’s departments and the PhD student representatives Social Sciences. One member of the committee from the group of supervisors is nominated as ombudsperson. The members of the Steering Committee are supported by the Coordinator of the ViDSS.

October 2024–September 2026

Thomas Meyer

Director of Studies (responsible for the following research fields: political science)

Speaker of the ViDSS

Member of the ViDSS Steering Committee (Representative for Political Science)



Emma Dowling

Deputy Director of Studies (responsible for the following research fields: sociology, demography and nursing science)

Deputy Speaker of the ViDSS

Member of the ViDSS Steering Committee (Representative for Sociology)

Tatjana Thelen

Deputy Director of Studies (responsible for the following research fields: social and cultural anthropology, development studies and science and technology studies)

Deputy Speaker of the ViDSS

Member of the ViDSS Steering Committee (Representative for Social and Cultural Anthropology)

Claudia Wilhelm

Deputy Director of Studies (responsible for the following research fields: communication)

Deputy Speaker of the ViDSS

Member of the ViDSS Steering Committee (Representative for Communication)

Eva Beaujouan

Member of the ViDSS Steering Committee (Representative for Demography)

Sarah Davies

Member of the ViDSS Steering Committee (Representative for Science and Technology Studies)


Katharina Heimerl

Member of the ViDSS Steering Committee (Representative for Nursing Science)

Cornelia Staritz

Member of the ViDSS Steering Committee (Representative for Development Studies)

Fabio Wolkenstein

Member of the ViDSS Steering Committee (Representative for Political Science)


Jana Brandl

Member of the ViDSS Steering Committee (Student Representative)

Nana Iashvili

Member of the ViDSS Steering Committee (Student Representative)

Ayse Caglar

Substitute Member of the ViDSS Steering Committee (Representative for Social and Cultural Anthropology)

Markus Wagner

Substitute Member of the ViDSS Steering Committee (Representative for Political Science)

Tatjana Boczy

Substitute Member of the ViDSS Steering Committee (Student Representative)