ViDSS alumnae and alumni

We encourage graduates to stay in touch with the ViDSS and aim at connecting them with each other and with current members of the Doctoral School.

The ViDSS Alumn Programme is open to all graduates from the doctoral programme in Social Sciences who have been members of the ViDSS. Participation in the programme entails being named on the ViDSS website (including year of graduation, doctoral thesis title and position after graduation or current position, if available), receiving the ViDSS Newsletter and being invited to networking events organised by the Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences.

If you are not yet listed here and would like to join the programme, please get in touch with us (email to


Sandra Banjac 2021 Role theory and the changing relationship between journalists and audiences: Towards (re-)conceptualising roles and expectations (more information and abstract) Assistant professor at the Centre for Media and Journalism Studies, University of Groningen; research fellow at the Journalism Studies Centre, University of Vienna
Yulia Belinskaya 2022 Resistance and deception in the Russian social media: The overspilling public sphere (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Media and Digital Technologies, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Ming Manuel Boyer 2021 Processing the news in times of identity politics: Group identities in motivated reasoning and opinion formation (more information) Research Associate at the Department of Communication, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Jana Laura Egelhofer 2021 I don’t like it – let’s call it ‘fake’ – The content and consequences of the fake news debate (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Munich Science Communication Lab, LMU München
Lisa Esti Puji Hartanti 2023 Social media influencers in Indonesia: A critical case study on the status and development of media literacy (more information and abstract) Assistant professor at the Department of Communication, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
Anita Gottlob 2021 Risk, immigration and the media: A comparative analysis of immigration frames in the media and their effect on immigration attitudes through the lense of risk (more information) Junior health expert in the Department of International Affairs, Policy, Evaluation and Digitalisation, and scientific assistant to the executive director at the Austrian National Public Health Institute (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH)
Hannah Greber 2024 Immersive journalism – the future of the news? (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna
Tobias Heidenreich 2021 Mapping political migration discourses on social media in Europe (more information and abstract) Research fellow of the research unit Global Governance, WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Melanie Hirsch 2024 Political and issue fit of targeted political advertising on social media: Perceptions, evaluations, and behavioral intentions (more information and abstract) Senior Scientist at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna
Ruta Kaskeleviciute 2024 Perceptions and effects of mediated terrorism: An intergroup approach (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna
Bruktawit Ejigu Kassa 2022 An analysis of gender in media policy in Africa: The case of Ethiopian media policy (more information and abstract)
Fabienne Lind 2021 Multilingual automated content analysis for comparative communication research (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna
Phoebe Maares 2022 Investigating techno-economic influences on the journalistic field: Atypical journalistic work in Europe (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher in the FWF Project “From Periphery to Core”, University of Vienna
Sophie Mayen 2025 Growing up digital: Media use, well-being, and academic performance in the context of adolescent dynamics (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Public Health, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano
Manina Mestas 2022 Suicide reporting in Austria in the nineteenth century and the Belle Époque: Investigating the Werther effect (more information and abstract) Researcher at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna
Sophie Minihold 2024 Digital campaign competence: The role of citizens in data-driven election campaigns (more information and abstract) Staff member at the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection
Andreas Nanz 2022 Incidental exposure in the online world: Antecedents, mechanisms, and consequences (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Digital Governance, Technical University of Munich
Ariadne Neureiter 2023 Misleading compensation claims in advertising: Perceptions and effects of greenwashing (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher in the Advertising and Media Psychology Research Group (AdMe), University of Vienna
Alina Nikolaou 2023 How good is “VR for Good”? Examining Virtual Reality as a medium for social attitude and behavior change (more information)
Neda Ninova-Solovykh 2024 When insiders’ voices get loud and public: Analyses on the communication behaviour of employee activists and possible risks for organisational reputation (more information and abstract)
Stefan F. Ossmann 2022 Loving, living, acting, thinking and feeling poly. Polyamory in self-perception and media representation in the German-speaking region 2007–2017 (more information, abstract and full text) Lecturer at the University of Vienna
Samira Rahimi Mavi 2024 Communication about controversial issues: The case of offering Halal products and services in non-Muslim countries (more information and abstract)
Michael Reicho 2024 Counteracting fake news (COFANE): Rethinking digital competences for the future (more information, abstract and full text) Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Graz
Franz Reiter 2024 Dirty campaigning in electoral communication: Perceptions and effects (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Media, Society and Communication, University of Innsbruck
Manuel Rotter 2024 Von Mediensozialisation zu mediatisierter Sozialisation: Zur Weiterentwicklung eines wissenschaftlichen Begriffs im Kontext der Sozialisation in mediatisierten kindlichen und jugendlichen (more information, abstract and full text) Teaching consultant at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien and lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Campus Vienna
Annika Schwabe 2023 Print to screen – the consequences of reading narrative texts digitally (more information, abstract and full text) Postdoctoral researcher in the FWF Project “Listening to Literature”, University of Vienna
Ines Spielvogel 2022 Aufklärungshinweise für Produktplatzierungen in Kinderfilmen: Inhalte, Wirkungen und die elterliche Perspektive (more information) Academic expert and lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication, Vienna
Anja Stevic 2021 Calling or Scrolling? The opportunities and risks of smartphone use for individuals’ well-being (more information) Postdoctoral scholar at the Department of Communication, Stanford University
Julia Stranzl 2024 Appreciation during the COVID-19 pandemic – an internal crisis communication perspective (more information) Postdoctoral researcher in the Institute for Communication Management and Media, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Marlis Stubenvoll 2023 Why misperceptions persist: The role of resistance to evidence in political news (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Media and Communications, University of Klagenfurt
Marina Thomas 2023 Swipe culture: The psychological effects of swiping on dating applications (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Research Centre Transitional Psychiatry, Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences
Teresa Weikmann 2024 Getting real with fakes: Characteristics and consequences of ‘deepfakes’ in democracies (more information) Postdoctoral researcher at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research
Daniel Wolfgruber 2023 The communicative constitution of the moral organisation: Exploring the multiple roles of organisational communication in the context of ethics, diversity, and inclusion (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Management, HEC Montréal


Brian Matthew Buh 2024 Having children in low fertility contexts: Competing and complementary life domains (more information and abstract)
Claudia Reiter 2022 The demography of skills-adjusted education indicators: A global perspective (more information, abstract and full text) Researcher at the Department of Demography, University of Vienna, and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Saroja Adhikari 2024 Understanding differentials by level of education in fertility intentions and behaviors in lower- and middle-income countries (more information, abstract and full text) Research scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

Nursing science

Jasmin Eppel-Meichlinger 2023 Theorising uncertainty in chronic illness – refinement of Mishel’s reconceptualised uncertainty in illness theory (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Division of Nursing Science, Department of General Health Studies, Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences
Ana Raquel Valente dos Santos Cartaxo 2024 The MISSCARE-Austria study: Uncovering missed nursing care in general units in Austrian hospitals, a quantitative cross-sectional study followed by a comprehensive data analysis on the reasons for missed nursing care moving from a positivist to a complexity theory-related approach (more information and abstract) Health expert at the Department of Health Professions and Long-Term Care, Austrian National Public Health Institute (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH), lecturer at the University of Vienna

Political science

Clemens Binder 2023 The politics of research and development in border security: Exploring imaginaries, structures and practices of technology design in bordering the EU (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
Lukas Egger 2022 Die Debatte über den Ursprung der rassistischen Sklaverei in Virginia aus der Perspektive von politischem Marxismus und materialistischer Staatstheorie (more information, abstract and full text) Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Sociology, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Magdalena Eitenberger 2023 Technologising care in chronic illness: A policy analysis of health technologies for Type 1 Diabetes in Austria (more information) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna (personal website)
Seliem El-Sayed 2024 Reframing digital data governance for public value (more information)
Myriam Gaitsch 2022 Die Gouvernementalität öffentlicher Dienstleistungsarbeit: Eine affekt- und machtkritische Ethnographie von Arbeitsvermittlungspraxen in der Schweiz (more information and abstract) Researcher at FORBA – Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt
Judith Götz 2024 Geschlechterpolitiken der „Identitären“: Ein Beitrag zur politischen Bildung gegen Rechtsextremismus (more information and abstract) Researcher at the Department of Education, University of Innsbruck
Lena Huber 2023 The role of social groups in political communication and public opinion (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral research fellow at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, University of Mannheim
Ruth Kager 2024 Öffentlichkeit und Affizierung: Glück, Liebe und die Legitimierung von Macht in Hannah Arendts politischem Denken (more information and abstract) Lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
Matthias Kaltenegger 2023 Leaders under pressure: Drivers and consequences of intra-party power dynamics (more information, abstract and full text) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Government, University of Vienna
Mathias Krams 2024 Die Metagovernance urbaner Mobilität auf Ebene der EU (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Human Geography, Goethe University Frankfurt
Arne Langlet 2024 Navigating high seas governance: Understanding the marine biodiversity regime complex surrounding the BBNJ negotiations (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
Valerie Lenikus 2024 Agrarian extractivism, its power relations and socialecological conflicts: A political ecology analysis based on the case of the shrimp sector in coastal Ecuador (more information and abstract) Senior scientist at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
Sofia Marini 2024 Party policy shifts: Causes, consequences, and perceptions (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Political Science, Aarhus University
Alessandra Santoianni 2024 Teachers’ beliefs about civic and citizenship education in Italian high schools (more information and abstract) Researcher at Demokratiezentrum Wien
Manuel Schwaninger 2021 Soziale Verteilungspräferenzen in Koalitionsverhandlungen (more information, abstract and full text) Research Consultant at YouGov Switzerland
Helena Segarra 2023 Refugee reception as a site of bordering. Governing the inclusion and exclusion of refugees in European member states (more information) Postdoctoral researcher and co-project lead, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
Manuela Stein da Silva Barbosa 2024 Who cares? Ein staatstheoretischer Zugang zur Reproduktion intersektioneller Ungleichheiten in der Care-Arbeit in Brasilien (more information, abstract and full text)
Josefa Maria Stiegler 2023 Em nome do estado: A feminist, decolonial analysis of everyday (in)securities in Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas (more information, abstract and full text) Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Urban and Regional Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
Wanda Spahl 2024 From medical care to citizenship: Mapping the healthcare systems’ function of inclusion for refugees in Vienna, Austria (more information, abstract and full text) Postdoctoral researcher at the Division Biomedical and Public Health Ethics, Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences
Leda Sutlovic 2021 Interpreting post-socialist gendered transformations through feminist institutionalism, ideas and knowledge: The case of Croatia (1970–2010) (more information and abstract)
Ina Tessnow-von Wysocki 2024 Science-policy interfaces for ocean protection: The case of the international negotiations for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) (more information, abstract and full text) Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources & Security, University of Wollongong

Science and technology studies

Anna Pichelstorfer 2023 (Re)producing public issues: The co-production of assisted reproduction and democracy in Austria (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
Michaela Scheriau 2023 Modes of justification in bioethical opinion papers: How scientific societies try to govern the moral fabric of human reproduction (more information, abstract and full text) Researcher at the Vienna Centre for Societal Security (VICESSE)
Pouya Sepehr 2024 Urban (dis)articulations in assembling Smart City Vienna: Towards a response-able urban innovation (more information, abstract and full text) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences (DISPOC), University of Siena
Elena Šimukovič 2023 Of hopes, villains, and Trojan horses: Open Access academic publishing and its battlefields (more information, abstract and full text) Head of Research and Infrastructure at the University Library, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Paul Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg 2022 Imagining, enacting, and justifying future borders: The eu-LISA Agency and the digital transformation of the border regime (more information, abstract and full text) Postdoctoral scientist at Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna

Social and cultural anthropology

Ria-Maria Adams 2024 The quest for a good life: Young people’s wellbeing in northern Finland (more information, abstract and full text) Postdoctoral researcher in the ERC Project “InfraNorth”, University of Vienna
Bernhard Braun 2021 Moskaus (in)existente Mittelschicht: Eine Ethnographie (more information and abstract, full text/open access e-book) Program director at CareerDesign@TUM, Technical University of Munich
Ilona Grabmaier 2023 Daheimgeblieben. Re-/Konfigurationen von Sorge in der ländlichen Ukraine (more information and abstract) Researcher at Die Johanniter and lecturer at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna
Suzana Jovicic 2022 Scrolling, swiping, snapping – the playful in-between: Digital practices and hanging out, doing nothing and wasting time among Viennese youths (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna
Liudmila Martynenko 2023 Keepers of culture: The Ossetian community in Moscow (more information and abstract)
Alexandra Meyer 2023 Arctic change: An ethnography of entangled climatic and societal transformations in Longyearbyen, Svalbard (more information, abstract and full text) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna
Olga Povoroznyuk 2022 Soviet infrastructure in the post-Soviet era? Building a railroad and identity along the Baikal-Amur mainline in East Siberia (more information, abstract and full text) Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna


Faime Alpagu 2021 Migration narratives juxtaposed: A sociological analysis of biographies, photos and (audio) letters of “guest workers” from Turkey living in Austria (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral Reserach Fellow in the Department of Germanic Languages, Columbia University, New York (funded by the MAX KADE Foundation)
Tatjana Boczy 2025 The changing rules of local welfare: Territorial disparities and policy institutions under new welfare challenges in Austria and the United Kingdom (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna
Angelina Brotherhood 2021 Socio-spatial aspects of substance use and abstinence: “Interpreted space” as a concept for environmental prevention (more information, abstract and full text) Health expert at the Addiction Competence Centre, Austrian National Public Health Institute (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH)
Ahn Byeongsun 2022 Living in a “just” city: Citizen participation and social interaction in Vienna’s regenerating neighborhoods (more information, abstract and full text) Postdoctoral researcher at the research platform The Challenge of Urban Futures, University of Vienna
Kristina Eisfeld 2023 Revealing the hidden link: Energy poverty and self-restricted energy use in Austria (more information, abstract and full text) Project coordinator at the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub, European Commission
Clara Holzinger 2023 „Wir können nicht alle Sprachen der Welt sprechen”: Eine Studie zu Street-level Bureaucracy im Kontext migrationsbedingter Heterolingualität am Beispiel des österreichischen Arbeitsmarktservice (more information, abstract and full text) Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna
Fabian Kalleitner 2023 Explaining preferences for redistributive taxation (more information, abstract and full text) Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Sociology, Free University of Berlin
Philipp Knopp 2023 Praxisform Polizeinotruf: Eine Studie zur Mobilisierung und Kontrolle von ziviler Wachsamkeit und polizeilicher Intervention (more information, abstract and full text) Researcher and lecturer at Bertha von Suttner Privatuniversität, St. Pölten
Barbara Mataloni 2024 The creation of action space(s) in young people’s leisure time: Insights based on a new measurement instrument for survey research
Jana Mikats 2024 When home is a workplace: Practices of doing family, gender and childhood in relation to home-based work (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral researcher at Webster Vienna Private University
Maria Schlechter 2023 Sozialbindungen von Jugendlichen zwischen schulischen Regeln und digitalen Medien: Eine lebensweltanalytische digitale Ethnographie des Kommunikations(zeit)raums Schule (more information and abstract) Postdoctoral Researcher at Bertha von Suttner Private University and Lecturer at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna